Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Free Energy: Part 4

Let's look at continous water flow free energy appratus. The claimed free energy apparatus contains a bowl or a beaker , the bottom of the bowl has a hole which connects with a pipe. The pipe curls back to the top of the bowl or beaker.
Now when the container or bowl/Beaker is filled with water the water drains down from the hole at the bottom. As a pipe is connected with the bottom the water will flow through the pipe and travel all the way out of the pipe. The end of the pipe is above the container so the water flows back to the container. Now, supposedly we might have a continous flow of water from the pipe without using any energy.


Free Energy: Part 3

Before discussing about the ideas, I would like to discuss about how are those ideas based. What things are there which form the basis for those ideas of free energy, what's there already which is utilized in those ideas. Well there are a few things we have , those are natural properties of things we already have and yes these things exist and so do the ideas of free energy.
Let me enumerate some of those things which form much of free energy ideas
1. Gravitational Pull of the earth
2. Force which water puts(Bouyont Force)
3. Natural Magnets

All these natural elements put force without having put any energy it seems so these forces are often used in those ideas of free energy

Free Energy: Part 2

So can this really be, will there be any free energy. The internet is full of free energy content, whether it is videos on youtube or there be article appearing in search engines. Many are classical free energy experiments which have never been proven or have not worked at all. And there are some which really kindles acute sense of intrigue in us, showing us maybe it is true. Some of the experiments we can perform in our homes and see for ourselves and some we can not perform.
Anyways I will discuss all the free energy ideas one by one and why they won't work for real if they dont work. In the end lies a few ideas which i will not say are successful or not right now.

Free Energy: Part 1

It is a very intriguing topic free energy. In this world we have a system which uses money, and with money we can do almost anything from buying things to going places and endless possibilities. Almost all the things money buys from us comes one way or the other by using energy.
Lets take for example a very simple one it is , a wooden chair. The wooden chair is made in a factory with workers and machinery working side by side. The machinery uses pure energy in the form of electricity to run, in the first place the machinery was made using another set of machinery by using this same energy. The workers working eat wear etc all the things are gotten from using energy.
The raw material of the chair wood also comes from some tree farm or forest, the tree was grown using energy and cut using machinery made by energy and uses again energy to do about its work.
So free energy ultimately means free money , free almost everything, so its a very interesting topic as there has not been anything free in this world previously.
Stay tuned for part 2

Monday, 27 November 2017

Domain Flipping 10: Decide the price and put buy now price

So you've finally got a good domain. Now you want to sell it as soon as possible. Ok there is a catch here you need to understand. The domain which is registered is gone through a 60 day period where it can not be transffered to anyone else and hence it can not be sold to anyone in the first place.
So whenever you guys buy a domain you'll require at least 2 months to sell that domain to a buyer. Except that there is no other catch if you have certain someone who would like to buy your domain.

The setting price is one of the decisive factor for your domain to be sold . Too high a price would repel all the potential buyers from you and too low a price would yield you lesser profits. So think would have to think reasonable here.

Secondly to sell your domain faster set a buy now price instead of asking for offers. People tend to prefer to buy domains quickly without negotiating so buy now creates this kind of situation which results in greater chances of selling


Sunday, 11 June 2017

Domain Flipping 9: If it was 1997 today

Let's have a look what long term oppertunities you would have if it was 1998 today. At that time there was plenty of huge long term oppertunities for you, but for that you needed to have an incredible vision and foresight.
You could have tried to register a few three letter if not two letter and tried to find single letter .com's. But i say at that time buying 3L.com would have been enough and 2L.com if any availabe at that time would have been more than enough. So if you would have bought 20 3L.coms with a total expenditure of 2000$ till now which if you would have invested in any good investment oppertunity would yield you at least 10 to 20 K $.
So what is a 3L.com worth today and how much minimum could you make for 20 3L.coms. We a 3L.com is atleast worth 15k $ and recently DNJournal published a sale of Refi.com for half a million dollars. So for 20 3L.coms least value would be 300k $. A 2L.com is worth much more as only 960 combinations exist plus its too short and would match initials of big companies so it is worth millions of dollars.
So why are we talking about getting millionares if we can somehow go back to 199x's because we should take some lessons from there and figure out some long term little investement.

So we can think about buying some premuim single letter other TLD domains and double letter other TLD domains. We can also buy single premuim word other TLD domains. Maybe one day these become of good value while the investment amount is not too big and not too liquid also. So i would say it to be a good bargain and good gamble.

Good luck!

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Domain Flipping 8: Good ol' .Coms

The .Com is the greatest ever invested upon extension with billions of Dollars invested on it over the period of more than 20 years since the inception of the internet. It is the most used and sold/bought extension and it is the most craved extension as well. The .Com values greately better than any other TLD in most cases. So to buy and invest in a .Com would be the wisest of choice. But one must find the .Com which would be required by an end user company or organization.

The .Com can be used the world over as neither there is any area restriction nor any other , it is widely known to all sundry and therefore easy to remember as well as short.

So which names to find in .Com ?
Well, first of all it is difficult to find what you want in a .Com but not impossible, some hard work and extra expenditure would yield a good enough name which could be resold at a very good price.
Try to find a single or two word .Coms with no spelling mistakes. Also try to buy 4 Letter and 3 Character .Coms as well. It is difficult or expensive to buy 2 Word, 3 Character and 4 Letter . Coms but two word .Coms can be easily found. Although One Word, 3 Character and 4 Letter .Coms have a inherent value and can be bought for 100+ dollar till 2000 Dollars can be a good investment both for long and short term. The two word .Com can be found at a nominal price as well depends on the conditions luck etc. The words in the domain must be either commercial or highly searched key words or be brandable like, new companies these days are requiring brandable name instead of descriptive ones.
Some Times 3 word .Coms are sold at a huge price recently i tried to buy a few domains like WorldAirWays.Com , notice this domain is three word domain but the bidding crossed 1500 Dollars.

Single word .Coms are sold at a good price sometimes too good. For example Single.Com was sold at 290,000 $ while Framer.com Sold at 250,000 $. There are really high sales and many factors are involved in it, so don't get your hopes too high for even single Word .Coms but surely getting and retaining single Word .Coms are profitable and may sometime hit the jackpot. You can view the highest hit .Coms and others at the website of DN Journal www.DNJournal.comrel=” nofollow”

So, try to find the domains which are discussed , .Com is always best investment in domaining and the safest.

Also visit www.brightdomainer.tech

Friday, 26 May 2017

Domain Flipping 7: Some good long term investments

If you are looking to invest little but a bit long term in domains something Premuim .com owners may have done very long ago then i can give some ideas and suggestions regarding long term domain name investment which might pay you well enough.

You can buy other Single and double letter domains and single highly searched keyword domains in new TLD's. Right now those may be available in little price but some day the registration of those TLD's may soar and maybe premium domains may be available courtesy new TLD owner at a good price. So you may want to hold those domains for a while

In order to have information about the number of registrants of a TLD and date of implementation , owner etc the following website would come in handy.


So try to find good 1 or 2 letter domains and single word domains and stay with it long enough.


Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Domain Flipping 6: DN journal for Domain sales History

To get an idea what is happening in the world of domaining, you can have a look at DN Journal. DN Journal publishes domain sales every year and keeps it updating through out the year. It covers only high end sales and every sale can be covered. Some hidden huge sales are also missed but they try to publish all the big sales.

The DN Journal not only publishes .Com sales but it categorizes the sales in .Com, other TLD's etc

Have a look at the DN Journal at www.dnjournal.com

You can see which trend is going on here and what sorts of sales have taken this year, you can also research previous years history of domain sales. All this research would be useful for you. So that's why today we are discussing about it.

For more info, keeping looking for new Domain Flipping posts everyday and check good domains at BrightDomainer.Tech 

Monday, 22 May 2017

Domain Flipping 5: The Domain AfterMarket

Let's talk about the Domain After Market today. There is a huge domain aftermarket, where there is ample opportunity for you to sell your domains. There are 100,000s of enterprises forming each year on the planet and almost every business requires an online presence. By making an online presence, a company may have the opportunity to profit multiple folds, such is the power of the web where billions not millions of people are connected all the time.

Therefore a company may try to find a domain according to their requirements on the domain aftermarket. For a business venture,company etc paying few hundred or thousand bucks would not be big cost to buy their suitable domain and making a good and powerful online presence.

Following are good sources to sell your domains,
1. Sedo
2. AfterNic
3. Flippa
4. Godaddy
5. Efty
6. Undeveloped
7. Igloo
8. 4.CN
9. Bido

The first three are one of the best sources but others are also good. So here we go we know where to find good domains from and where sell 'em , good start let's hope for the best.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Domain Flipping 4: Channels for finding valuable domains

It would certainly give you a good start at domaining if you get to know all the good channels through which you can find and buy good old domains.

For back ordering there are several services some of which include

Godaddy.com and Name.com usually do not catch very valuable domains most of the time and can catch 2 tier domains though while the others are good at catching valuable names. Except Godaddy.com and Name.com , all other services do not charge any backordering fee unless the domain is caught and is to be handed over to you.

The expiring Auction the biggest and the best in my experience is the Godaddy's expiring auction. Where 100,000s of expiring domains are auctioned.


Domain Flipping 3: How to find valuable domains


We already talked about the factors affecting the value of domains. Now we would be looking into finding those valuable domains which are somewhere out there and can be caught at a price.

Buying domains from domain flippers like me can payoff also if a domain is really valuable and the domainer is giving it away cheap at a little profit. It can be beneficial for long term. However, the best way to look for meaningful domains you need is to look at the expiring domains or deleted domains. But what is meant by expiring domains or deleted domains, i would explain it in a nutshell

Expiring Domains:

There is a yearly fee of every domain(any TLD) which is to be given to the registrar(from whom you purchase the domain from). However, if you fail to do so certain grace period is given and after that your domain would either be put in an expiring domain auction like Godaddy's expiring auction or auction at any other auction house or it may not be put in auction. Now that expiring domain is no longer the property of the previous owner , it would either be purchased by any bidder in the expiring domain auction or it would get deleted.

Deleted Domains:

Those domains which are deleted become available for purchasing again.

The major difference of buying from expiring auction and through backordering deleted domain is that the domain bought from expiring auction would retain the age of the domain that means, if a domain is bought by me in 1997 and now expired and is bought by you in the expiring domain auction, the domain would be registered continously from 97 only you would be its owner and it would still age around 20 years, all the search engines would see it as a 20 year old domain.

While if you backorder and buy a deleted domain which was originally registered in 1997 but when you buy it, it would be of age 0 and it would be registered from the day you caught the domain by backordering.

There are 100,000s of domains being expired and deleted everyday. Some are really valuable and some are totally worthless piece of crap.

So there are two ways to find good domains from the market, you can either try and find your required domain from the expiring domains auctions or you can buy deleted domains by backordering through many good backordering websites.

Many people may be looking for the same deleted domain as you are so for this we do backordering. Back ordering is simply asking a backordering website to acquire a deleting domain for you. If the website acquires it there is a little fee for that which you will be more than happy to pay usually around 30 to 90 dollars.

So what happens if one or more people back order the same domain from the same service(website), well then there will be a closed auction bidding between the back orderers and the one with highest bid will win the auction.

You can find good domains on the partner site of learnbigearnbigger.com at

For more on domain flipping stay tuned to learnbigearnbigger.com

Friday, 19 May 2017

Domain Flipping 2: Which domains to look for

Hi all future domainers!

We are heading towards increasing some handy knowledge about domaining.
Knowledge plays a vital role in getting success in any endeavor so is domaining. Domain flipping is a bit of a gamble sometimes, as the domains are not a liquid asset rather they can pay off at a rate which is uncomprehensible to any business while illiquid it is dead till sold.

In order to teach you new methods, new tools, use of those tools, sources to buy new domains, i have decided to talk about a unique and new topic of the world of domaining in every post. That means every new post will talk about a different aspect of domaining, new and interesting knowledge, it can be interactive if people means you all put your views in comments . Now those comments can be questions, views, your own experience, anything you'd like to share to all while i would love to respond to all the people and welcome you all for it.

Domain Flipping 2 talks about value of domains, which factor can effect the value of the domain. So which domains you should be looking for in order to find a good profit in the near or long term future.

Like every businessman you should look for the product(domains here) which is valuable, brandable,more liquid simply put product which people would like to buy .So to put it short i am going to enumerate some points which effects the value of a domain.

1. Short Domain
2. One Word or Two Word Domain
3. No Spelling Mistakes in Domain Name
4. .Com Domains
5. Highly Commercial Words in Domain Name
6. -(dash) in between words reduces value of a Domain
7. Only numbered .Com Domain till 5 numbers
8. Four letter .com Domain
9. Three, Two and One Character .Com Domain
10. Two Character of almost any TLD(means other than .Com Domain )
11. Premuim names in other TLD's(means other than .Com Domain )
12. Old domains especially from way back 90's

So these all factors highly effect the domain value. Each factor will increase the value of a domain. Having more points in a domain would increase the value drastically. You must try to find a domain which have more and more of these points.

I am maintaining more than 300 domains currently which i use for domain flipping, parking advertisments and website building etc.

You can find good domains on the partner site of learnbigearnbigger.com at

For more on domain flipping stay tuned to learnbigearnbigger.com

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Domain Flipping 1

Hey, everyone who reads my blogs, firstly i would like to thank you for giving out your precious time and interest in my jottings. I would like to introduce a new topic. Domain trading, casually known as domain flipping. Kindly read this blog to have some introductory knowledge about it.

Domain trading like any other trading involves buying domains from domain market and selling it to end user who requires it. There is a steady demand of domain names that are short or single words. The biggest demand and value is given to the .com domain extension as it the oldest extension. With time many extensions were introduced in the market but those extension never could compete with the .coms although due to these 100's of new extension resulted in inflation of domain names and especially reducing some value of classic .com extention.

The question is how many domain names are regestered yet and are all the good names already taken. If yes, then how could we buy cool and great domains for trading.

Actually, there are millions of domain names that are registered some very useless ones while other very valuable. As it's been decades for the .coms so the good ones are taken while the new extensions already place hefty price of the premuim names.

So how to buy good domain names, the answer is domain name after market and domain back ordering.

The after market contains domains which are being either sold by the current owners or one of the type of auction expiring domain auction is the auction where domain name has expired, the current owner has not renewed the domain and domain name is put on auction by the registrar of the domain name.

While expiring auction can get you good domain names there is another way you can buy useful domains by domain back ordering. When a domain is expired and no one buys it and it is not renewed by the owner , the domain name is put in the deletion list. That means on a specific date the domain name is going to be deleted and the name will be available to the public.
Now if this name is useful then different registrars offer backordering services where the registrar tries to catch your domain soon after its deletion. If one or more people back order a domain from a registrar while the registrar manages to catch the domain name , the registrar will put the domain name on auction among the domain backorderers.

You can find good domains on the partner site of learnbigearnbigger.com at

For more on domain flipping stay tuned to learnbigearnbigger.com