Saturday, 15 October 2016

Learn to play guitar : Introductory session

My previous post contained ways to earn good money which also included being a musician and composer. For you to be a composer and a musician you need to select an instrument.

The best instrument for that purpose is the guitar. Here in this blog now i will impart lessons for you to start learning guitar.

Types of Guitar:

1.Acoustic Guitar
2.Electric Guitar
3.Electro-Acoustic Guitar

To learn well you will need to start from the natural guitar i-e Acoustic guitar.
At the end of the lessons i will give out a quiz and the one who scores the most in the quiz will win a guitar!, Yes thats True, I'll give out GUITARS!

Well back to our lesson, First of all there are seven Notes of Music as given ,
The Notes are always cyclic, always the eight note is the same as the first note.
However there is a Variation of each note called Sharp as given below.
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A# B C C#
If you'd notice that the notes E and B do not have Sharp. The above picture is how guitar notes change.

Now I will explain all the workings of the basic music and guitar step by step, Just keep tracking the next lessons I ll be giving and study carefully as you can get a FREE GUITAR though!



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